Hugh Ross learns Jesus is real
Hugh Ross (1945 - )
Many people in the Western world know someone who believes that Jesus is real and the Bible is true. This is not true of everyone, however.
The Canadian astrophysicist and Cal Tech research fellow Hugh Ross grew up knowing few if any believers in Jesus. Understandably, he grew up as an atheist. However, he stated of his time as a young man, “the next several years my study of the big bang convinced me that the universe had a beginning, and thus a Beginner… because the big bang implies a cosmic beginning, it also implies a Beginner, a Causal Agent outside or beyond the universe… But, like the astronomers whose books I read, I imagined that the Beginner must be distant and non-communicative.“
Ross eventually through research became convinced that the Bible is true and that Jesus is involved. Like millions of others across the globe and through the centuries, he found that Jesus is involved in the lives of people. He founded a research organization, Reasons to Believe which reaches scientifically-minded seekers worldwide.