Benefits of Arts Education 10: Music education so many benefits

Have you ever had a conversation with a young person that was difficult because...

  • Every other word they utter seems to be "like" or "uh."
  • They can't carry on a conversation on a topic for more than a few seconds before losing focus.
  • They don't seem to understand what you're saying, even if you're expressing simple emotions.

Consider an article from the Royal Conservatory. It lists research-supported benefits of music education:

  • It speeds the development of speech and reading skills.
  • It trains children to focus their attention for sustained periods.
  • It helps children gain a sense of empathy for others.

Music education helps produce better-adjusted adults. Schools and parents that support their music programs are supporting their students' options to develop into more mature, more productive adults.

This is the last in a 10-part series of blog articles on "Benefits of Arts Education." To see the complete series, click on the "Research" link at the top right of this page. 

Next post: Instruments of the Orchestra 1


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