
Encouraging quotes from notable people about music, from Oscar Wilde to Martin Luther to Shakespeare and Beethoven.  These articles are good for teachers of music classes and anyone who would like to be inspired about music. To see a complete list of Quotes, click on any of the blogs referenced on this page. Then click on the word “Quotes” near the top left of the page.

I am music: Links to some gorgeous music--that tells the story of humanity as only it can.  
Einstein on his love of the violin: The great physicist loved his violin and music
Bonhoeffer on Music: The great 20th-century theologian and martyr loved music.  
Huxley on music: English novelist and critic revered music
Albert Schweitzer on Music: 20th-century theologian, philosopher, physician, organist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner’s thoughts about music
Beethoven on music: The great composer’s thoughts on the higher revelation that music provides