Through both direct and indirect evidence, we can be assured that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened.  Some of the evidence is subtle, some is the result of the process of elimination, some is just common sense. 

Christians have greeted one another since the earliest times with the refrain: “He is risen!” followed by “He is risen indeed!”  These are statements in the present tense, not in the past (He has risen; he rose indeed) because believers have understood from the beginning that Christ’s resurrection began a new present tense for those who believe. 

To see a complete list of articles on the Resurrection of Jesus, click on any of the blogs referenced on this page. Then click on the word “Resurrection” near the top left of the page.

A brand new resurrection: Why the sudden shift in belief about resurrection?
The resurrection of Jesus and the Gentile mission of the church: Why did the early Jewish Christian community grow explosively among non-Jews?
Classic reasons to believe in the resurrection of Jesus: 4 reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.  
The movement of the earth and the resurrection: Jesus's resurrection is just as crazy-sounding as the rotation and revolution of the earth seemed in the 1300s.