Benefits of Arts Education 8: Music even benefits babies

We've known for some time that music plays an important role in brain development.  While we tend to think of brain development in elementary and teen-age students as a result of arts education,  a study indicates that it helps young children, even babies, learn to behave in pro-social ways, in other words taking actions that help others and benefit the group.  Read the full article here.

We also know, according to this article, that a child’s auditory systems develop faster with exposure to music.  The brain’s auditory system is essential to reading skills, language development and successful communication.

I ran a series of blog posts on some of the benefits of arts (and particularly music) education, including this one.  The article you're reading right now is the eighth in a projected series of 10 on the subject.  Access the series by clicking on the word "Research" near the top of this page. 

Schools and families that continue to fund and support arts education are supporting academic excellence and the mental and social development of their students. 

Next post: Benefits of Arts Education 9: Music Education Aids Cognitive Development




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