Jesus solves the problem of consciousness
All things, even our consciousness, hold together in Jesus.
The Origin of the Universe shows God exists
Since the universe had a beginning, the Creator must exist.
Jesus solves the problem of morality
The reality of Jesus explains very well the existence of non-material morality
What happens when people follow Jesus?
When people follow Jesus, their lives become more meaningful.
Amazing design of our galaxy and solar system
Our galaxy and solar system have to be just right for us to be here.
Amazing design of life: ATPase engine
The Creator's design of life displays His ingenuity, power, and care
Amazing design of our universe
The universe is amazingly well-designed for intelligent life.
Who Is the Creator of Our Amazing Cosmos?
The Bible conveys that our universe began suddenly, just as the Big Bang model indicates.
Jesus Is Alive: Louis Zamperini
Zamperini's life and redemption are inspiring modern tales of the living presence of Jesus.
The resurrection of Jesus and the Gentile mission of the church
Why did the early Jewish Christian community grow explosively among non-Jews?
The resurrection of Jesus: 4 classic reasons to believe it
4 reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.