Amazing design of our universe
The universe is amazingly well-designed for intelligent life.
Who Is the Creator of Our Amazing Cosmos?
The Bible conveys that our universe began suddenly, just as the Big Bang model indicates.
Benefits of Arts Education 4: STEAM
The arts became foundational to education in the US in 2015.
Jesus Is Alive: Louis Zamperini
Zamperini's life and redemption are inspiring modern tales of the living presence of Jesus.
Benefits of Arts Education 3: Brain Development
Music education at an early age helps students' brain development.
Benefits of Arts Education 2: Arts and SAT
Arts education goes with better SAT scores in schools.
Music Appreciation 6 Glass's Harmonium Mountain
The lesson is on Glass's mesmerizing, short work.
The resurrection of Jesus and the Gentile mission of the church
Why did the early Jewish Christian community grow explosively among non-Jews?
Music Appreciation 5 David Stock's Blast
This piece is a "blast!" Hear from the composer himself.
The resurrection of Jesus: 4 classic reasons to believe it
4 reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.
Music Appreciation 4 Brahms Overture
Hear the maestro's talk on what makes Brahms's overture so beautiful!
The movement of the earth and the resurrection
Jesus's resurrection is just as crazy-sounding as the rotation and revolution of the earth seemed in the 1300s.
Exciting changes to blog
The blog expands to also include "Faith Matters" and "Piano Hymns for Singing"
Music Appreciation 3 Beethoven’s Fifth Parts 3-4
Hear the spectacular ending to Beethoven's Fifth
Music Appreciation 2 Beethoven's Fifth Part 2
Discover some of the secrets of this amazing movement.