Bernard and the reality of Jesus
Nearly 1,000 years later, we still know of Bernard’s love of Jesus

Juxtapositions, art, and the Bible
Juxtapositions in the Bible and in any art are a key to understanding

“Thorough, wide-ranging, complex and enjoyable.”
Jesus’s death on the cross shows how much God loves us
Something is wrong with our house. Can Jesus solve it?
What are the three textures of music?
Things you can do to be a better ensemble member
What are the five principles of good singing?
Strange sounds, dreams, and foreboding
Controversial group from the 1970s—mine!
“Thorough, wide-ranging, complex and enjoyable.”
The Big Bang led him to believe the Bible
Nearly 1,000 years later, we still know of Bernard’s love of Jesus
The great naturalist praises music
What do we do when God answers our prayers with silence?
Juxtapositions in the Bible and in any art are a key to understanding