Kindle version of “Is Jesus Real” now available
Is Jesus Real? now available in print and Kindle
Imago dei explains a lot
Legend and dreamy music by Debussy
Monumental, delightful, profound
Joyful, ornamented, hopeful
How does right and wrong show God’s existence?
Vivaldi’s charming and evocative concerto
Is the text of the Bible reliable?
My daughter’s heart defect shows how amazing our bodies are
Beautiful harmonies, humor, tone painting
Listen emotionally, sensuously, and musically
Program music or absolute music?
How the church grew to be unhindered
I felt irrelevant—God didn’t leave me there!
We enjoy listening to music more if we understand texture
Is Jesus Real? now available in print and Kindle
Patriotic piano medley from 2015
What does it mean to glorify God?
Leukemia, Beethoven, resurrection